13 August 2019

Kilchoman Port Cask Matured 2018

We don’t have to tell you that taste is very personal, that’s what makes whisky so intriguing after all. Endless possibilities, varying opinions and lots to discover.

Sometimes you meet people who seem to have the exact same taste as you. And so we met Vladimir (@whiskeytemple_vladimir), we always seem to agree on everything regarding whisky. Sometimes even a little bit creepy, so let’s do a little experiment!

We have both photographed and reviewed the Kilchoman Port Cask Matured from 2018 in our own way, independently. And we’ll share them at the same time to see the outcome. Will our notes match, or do we perceive the whisky very differently? Let’s find out!

Tasting notes


Caramelized apple peels, red fruits, raspberry and citrus, maritime aromas and chlorine, smoked papaya, nutmeg and cinnamon.


Dry, sulphury and woody at first, but apple peels and white chocolate shine through with a trace of cinnamon and pear. Quite spicy overall.


More cinnamon, but also very fruity with peaches, redcurrant, citrus, raspberries and strawberries. Peated barley is beautifully integrated. The aftermath resembles a beachy sand with tarry ropes.

This whisky is like a basket full of red fruits and sweet barley slamming into a rocky coast. Quite wonderful, but also a bit young turbulent, it could use some water. It’s bottled at 50% ABV.

No go check out Vlad’s notes right now: @whiskeytemple_vladimir